Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Berkeley Castle

There were red and white tulips everywhere. The colours on the shield are red and white!
 Part of the grounds viewed from the terrace.

 The dining room

 Stained glass in the Great Hall

 The current Mrs Barclay
 another view from the terrace
The standard

Friday, 12 April 2019

A book Hog by Det.

+++DetEcTive+++ , made this out of an old book. Clever person isn't she, so very cute.

Monday, 8 April 2019

some of the cards I have made recently

 Mel requested card photos I make so many that not all get photographed and, as you can see some are taken in threes and fours

 A recent scrap book page i did., don't know if it shows up very well though.